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Library > Encyclopedias > International Standard Bible Encyclopedia > Chambering
<< Chamber, Roof      Chamberlain >>



Illicit intercourse; the rendering in English Versions of the Bible since Tyndale of koitias (literally "beds," Romans 13:13). The Greek usage is paralleled in classic authors and the Septuagint; like the English participle, it denotes repeated or habitual acts. The word is not recorded elsewhere in English literature as verb or participle in this sense; in Othello, iii, 3, a chamberer is an intriguer, male wanton, in Byron, Werner, IV, 1, 404, a gallant or carpet knight, and in Chaucer, Clerk's Tale, 766, a concubine.

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Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'CHAMBERING'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.