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Library > Encyclopedias > International Standard Bible Encyclopedia > Jeremoth
<< Jeremiel      Jeremy >>



(a) yeremoth and

(b) yeremowth,

(c) yerimowth, meaning unknown:

Of the following (1) has form (b), (5) the form (c), the rest (a).

(1) In 1 Chronicles 7:8 (the King James Version "Jerimoth"), and

(2) In 1 Chronicles 8:14, Benjamites. Compare JEROHAM, (2).

(3) In 1 Chronicles 23:23, and (4) in 1 Chronicles 25:22 = "Jerimoth," 24:30; heads of Levitical houses.

(5) A Naphtalite, one of David's tribal princes (1 Chronicles 27:19); the King James Version "Jerimoth."

(6) (7) (8) Men who had married foreign wives. In Ezra 10:26 (="Hieremoth," 1 Esdras 9:27); Ezra 10:27 (="Jarimoth," 1 Esdras 9:28); Ezra 10:29 (="Hieremoth," 1 Esdras 9:30); the Qere of the last is weramoth, "and Ramoth"; so the Revised Version margin, the King James Version.

David Francis Roberts

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These files are public domain.

Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'JEREMOTH'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.