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Library > Encyclopedias > International Standard Bible Encyclopedia > Nathanael (1)
  Nathanael (1)  
<< Nathan (2)      Nathanael (2) >>


na-than'-a-el (Nathanael):

(1) One of the "captains over thousands" who furnished the Levites with much cattle for Josiah's Passover (1 Esdras 1:9) equals "Nethanel" of 2 Chronicles 35:9.

(2) (Nathanaelos, Codices Vaticanus and Alexandrinus omit):

One of the priests who had married a "strange wife" (1 Esdras 9:22) equals "Nethanel" of Ezra 10:22.

(3) An ancestor of Judith (Judith 8:1).

(4) One of the Twelve Apostles. See next article.

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Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'NATHANAEL (1)'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.